The Project Management Team
The Omics for TB Pathogenesis (OTB) consortium will be directed by Drs. Sherman and Aderem, Program Co-PIs, who will have ultimate oversight of the scientific, financial and administrative aspects of the contract. They will be responsible for scientific direction, communication, and coordination of the goals, timelines, deliverables, regulations and finances across all of the participating institutions and with the NIH. To advance the defined objectives in the iterative fashion proposed, a Management and Integration Committee (MIC), headquartered at Seattle BioMed, will be implemented to accelerate integrated workflows via defined communication channels and support a collaborative consortium environment. The MIC will be led by Drs. Sherman and Aderem and supported by a Project Manager (PM). The PM will have a central role in coordination, communication and facilitation of OTB activities to support the MIC and extend the bandwidth of the PIs and Core Leaders to focus on the science. The scientific leaders of the Projects and Cores will participate as depicted in Figure 1X. While these leaders manage the progression of the scientific and technical efforts at their respective Projects/Cores/sites, it will be the MIC that drives the scientific direction of the consortium as a whole; making key decisions and resolving conflicts to advance the host-pathogen program for infectious disease research. In addition to Drs. Sherman and Aderem, the MIC will include all the other key personnel in this Program – Drs. Baliga, Urdahl, Zak, and Aebersold
The Organization
The Administration of this project will be centered at the Seattle Biomedical Research Institute (Seattle BioMed), which will partner with the Institute for Systems Biology (ISB) in Seattle, WA, and the Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zurich. All laboratory and systems biology analyses, along with modeling and data dissemination, will be conducted at these institutions. We have established an inter-institutional partnership between Institute for Systems Biology and Seattle BioMed that includes joint appointments and shared resources. Tandem goals of the partnership are to bring advances of systems biology to infectious disease research and to use the challenges of infectious disease biology to drive advances in systems biology. Access to Core facilities in each place is provided to both institutions at internal rates, and personnel move freely between the two organizations (separated by less than one city block). This agreement is both catalyzing advances in infectious disease systems biology and disseminating systems approaches beyond the model organisms in which they were first developed.