Sequential inflammatory processes define human progression from M. tuberculosis infection to tuberculosis disease.

TitleSequential inflammatory processes define human progression from M. tuberculosis infection to tuberculosis disease.
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsScriba TJ, Penn-Nicholson A, Shankar S, Hraha T, Thompson EG, Sterling D, Nemes E, Darboe F, Suliman S, Amon LM, Mahomed H, Erasmus M, Whatney W, Johnson JL, W Boom H, Hatherill M, Valvo J, De Groote MAnn, Ochsner UA, Aderem A, Hanekom WA, Zak DE
Corporate Authorsother members of the ACS cohort study team
PubMed ID29145483
PubMed Central IDPMC5689825